الجمعة، 15 يناير 2010

Futures Trading Software

To use futures trading software, it pays to know a little about futures trading. A future contract can be described as a contract to buy and or sell a certain commodity of a standard quality on a certain future date at a price determined by the market, which is called a futures price. These contracts re then traded on the futures exchange. These contracts are not securities like stocks or bonds but are still securities that are considered a kind of derivative contract. The types of things involved in these contracts ranges from currency to financial instruments and intangible assets like stock indexes or interest rates. The future date is also known as the delivery date, and the official price of the futures contract is the settlement price at the end of a business day on the exchange floor.

There are many types of futures trading software programs available for free download on the internet, as well as many that are pay per use programs. There are a few options that all traders well seasoned or new, should look for in these futures trading software programs. This includes daily data updates or live and streaming quotes as well as charts, historical simulated trading information and customizable indicators. Also available options that should be looked into are seasonal, spreads and bulls and bears proprietary tools.

Since futures trading is considered high risk by many, it is important to understand your futures trading software program. Finding one that offers a tutorial or the option of running an artificial test of your knowledge in trading futures is ideal. This gives you the opportunity to test your capabilities before risking any of your money in the market.

To be successful trading with futures trading software, you have to trade with a plan instead of running in headlong with no idea where you are going. Accept at times that not all of your trades will be winners, and analyze every trade you are interested in along with keeping detailed records regarding that trade. Keeping track of your trading information on your futures trading software is ideal, so look for this as an option before you commit to using any software regularly. There is nothing wrong with downloading a couple of different futures trading software programs and trying each to see which you are the most comfortable with. There are some that will offer up to the second updates, real time exchange information as well as up to 30 years of historical data for comparison and educational purposes. Deciding which futures trading software you want to use is a matter of deciding what type of trader you want to be.

There is one tool that only a few futures trading software programs offer that is priceless to this type of trading, called a margin account calculator. This is great for futures and options traders, and gives all the information you need to make informed decisions on your futures. If you are not aware of what the margin account is, you must do a little homework before deciding to trade publicly.

Forex Trading - 7 Secrets to Increase Your Forex Profits

How do you make money trading currency? You have an idea. You think you know what you wanna trade Forex. But how do you really wanna do it?

Well, you have to go back to the fundamentals. About what makes a currency go up or down in value in the Forex market. Generally, it's whether that country is taking in more cash and paying out. Sort of like your home, if you see your checking account steadily going down in value, you are not feeling very good. And if you go to borrow money, you are gonna pay a higher rate of interest.

However if the value of your checking account is consistently going up. Well, the banks are gonna love you. They're gonna want to lend you money at the lowest rate possible. So, countries are sort of the same.

Now, how do you get that data? You can go back to Bloomberg or to Reuters to look for it. But the easiest way is to go to your bookstore and get the economist, the magazine. When you go to your bookstore and you go buy the economist, it costs about $4 dollars.

There is a table on the back of the magazine which comes out every two weeks. And talks about whether that country is bringing in more money than it is spending. Or spending more money than it's bringing in. It's identified as the current account. If the current account is negative, in our way of thinking you wanna short that currency. If the current account is positive you wanna be long with that currency when trading Forex.

An example, here in the United States, our current account today is about 5% of GDP. That to me means that you probably wanna remain short the US dollar, against other currencies that have more money coming in. Who would that be? The Yen certainly, the Euro and the Swiss Frank.
So the economist table is the best place to start.

Make sure you follow these rules when you are trading Forex:

1. Strive for 20 pips to begin with.
2. Use MACD indicator only for divergence and confirming a trend. Don't use it as a signal generator.
3. Make sure you use stop losses at 20 to 30 pips. I want to clarify that. When you put a stop on it. Make sure the stop is 20-30 pips away from a pivot point. However, if there is a long hammer. A distinct hammer. My rule will keep you away from that trade. But the exception is where you see a long hammer then this rule doesn't apply. Because when you see a long hammer, you know that the price is gonna change direction.
4. Specialize in one currency.
5. Keep a log.
6. Sit on your hands unless you see something to do.
7. This is not about scalping.

الثلاثاء، 12 يناير 2010

Forex Robot - Top 3 Things to Consider When Choosing Your Online Forex Broker

Once you have bought the Forex trading robot that best meet your specific needs, its time to choose your online Forex broker. If you are a newbie, then this might be a little frustrating. But do not worry. This article is written especially for you. Let me present to you a list of things you should look for when choosing you online broker.

1. Brokers with lower Spreads

The Forex industry has something called spreads - it is the ask price and the bid price of any given currency. If you Forex broker can detect that you are using robots to bid, then he might increase the spread of the currency you are trading. That would cause you to lose money. Look for brokers who have lower spreads or just avoid the risk of being caught by using a Forex trading robot that can conceal its activity from the broker. The Forex Megadroid has this feature. If you have other Forex Trading robot in mind, evaluate and make sure that they have this feature.

2. Leverage

Do you know that you can trade more money that you have in your initial capital? This is called "leverage". If you can trade with 500 dollars for every 1 dollar in your initial account, then you have a 500:1 leverage. Mini accounts have a standard leverage is 200:1 - this means that for every 1 dollar, you can trade for 200 dollars! You can win a lot of money when you win while trading with leverage. But if you lose, you will be in red or get negative money. Because the Megadroid can help you win, leverage will not be a big problem. Nevertheless, it is still important for any trader to know about leverage.

3. Low Minimum Account Requirement

You can start venturing into Foreign Exchange trading with very little money. Micro trading accounts can be as low as 250 dollars, mini-trading with 10,000 dollars and the standard trading accounts starting with 100,000 dollars. It is wise that newbie traders should start with a mini account first, then gradually increment as the robot wins you more money. Look for trading robots that have the lowest minimum account requirement because it is not good to trade and possibly lose money you do not have.

Put this 3 things in mind and use it for consider when you are choosing an online broker. Good Luck!

الثلاثاء، 1 ديسمبر 2009

Financial Software For Forex Trading - 3 Intelligent Reasons Why You Want a Robot Friend

The development of financial software for Forex trading is what has made it possible for foreign exchange traders to make trades from home or work with their own computer. Most of this software can be obtained by opening an account with an online trading company. Here are just some reasons you should use financial software for Forex trading to help you show profits similar to those of the big players:

1) It has been built with the beginning trader in mind.

Advancements in Forex trading software is a big part of the reason for the continued success of the Foreign Exchange trade industry. The software used to be complicated and hard to understand and even harder to come by, but now service providers offer more user friendly software than ever before. The majority of financial software for forex trading comes with full twenty-four hour live customer support to ensure ease of use and answer questions that may arise.

2) It's 100% compatible with your meta-trader and other accounts.

There are a multitude of Forex sites to choose from when looking for someone to host your account. There are certainly too many to list, however one can find an account that will suit their needs as well as allow them to become a profitable Forex trader. Many websites offer free downloadable software for Forex trading when a person signs up for an account. The software varies from site to site, however it makes it possible for an individual to trade on their own. This software is easy to learn and simple to follow even for beginning Forex traders, yet it is comprehensive enough to keep even the most seasoned of foreign exchange traders completely satisfied.

3) It never sleeps and can make trades around the clock.

The average daily trade in the Forex market exceeds 2.5 trillion US dollars so it is important to have someone to turn to if any immediate problems occur. Because of this it is important that whatever financial software for Forex trading you choose offers a comprehensive support system that's available whenever you would need it. This will allow you to immediately address any issues that may arise unexpectedly. One will learn quickly just how costly downtime can be if it ever happen to you.Most all financial software used for Forex trading functions similarly. It is wise for a person to review several sites before making a choice in this area. Compare features and ease of use as well as what type of software each trading company utilizes for their site.

Take the time to do a bit of research of any site that offers accounts as well as software. Remember it is important to have good solid customer support as well as other tools. A few Forex trading secrets cannot hurt either, but seriously it is important because this allows the trader to focus on accounts and not worry about the other less important details or information. Look to a company's reputation as well as length in business when making the decision of whether to trade yourself or not

Forex Trading - Discover How Interest Rates Directly Affect the Value of USD

Do you know that the Federal Exchange is using the interest rates as a tool to control the value of US dollars? Yes, it the Federal Exchange who is responsible for maintaining the value of USD and they are using so many tools to control it but interest rate is one that they find most effective. Hence, it is the one they commonly use.
If you are engaged in foreign exchange trading and want to know the factors that greatly affects the value of USD, it is suggested that you learn these things. If you think only economists are interested in this topic, think again. Forex traders must know the things that directly affect the value of their items for exchange.
The Federal Reserve is closely monitoring the overall economic situation of the country. If the FEDS can foresee that an economic overheat is likely to take effect, the possible result is inflation. To avoid inflation, FEDS will start selling debt. Increased debt will decrease money supply in the circulation. If the demand for money is the same and the supply is less than the demand, the value of the dollar will also increase. If the value of USD has increased, the FEDS has the liberty to increase the interest rates.
If it is the other way around like the interest rates is too high, the probable outcome is many businesses will be forced to exit the industry. Result would be economic downturn. To avoid this scenario, the FEDS will start buying debts and holding them. Money supply will increase and if demand is the same, the value of the dollar will decrease. Then FEDS can lower down the charges on the interest rates.
This is how the FEDS manages the value of USD via controlling the interest rates. Of course, FEDS have so many tools at their disposal just to direct the value of USD. But this is one of the most effective and commonly used tools. If you are a Forex trader, consider this information and you will be on your way to earning great profits.

Forex Robot - Guidelines in Using Forex Robot Software

A lot of Forex Robots software's are being used by both new and well experienced traders. It is important for a trader to choose the right robot to suit his needs, and there are a lot to choose from. To speed up the process of trading and to increase the overall profit of a trader, they must use these kinds of services.
What to do?
For you to save a lot of trouble, you should always buy a Forex robot that can be easily installed in a personal computer and your account is accessible from anywhere and anytime through a remote web server. The final decision depends on you no matter how good the robot is. You should always keep a manual account and use these robots as a back up in case you want to double check the data. Checking the real time track record will give you a better idea because sometimes the records displayed are replicated which will give you a wrong picture of the data. In choosing a Forex Robot, confirm first if it is compatible with the currency pair that you want to trade with. It should allow you to change the settings of trading anytime you want to. It may be alright to let the robot take over but there is a possibility that a lot of money could be lost, if you are away. You should purchase robots that will work better than the older versions.
What not to do?
Don't depend all the decisions to the Forex Robots, just use its advice on how to move in the market, use them to compare decisions and to analyze data. Even though they can increase your profits, always remember that the final decision should depend on you. You should be aware that you can't trust it completely and your decisions should be base on your trading experience, though they make your work easy. Don't make the Forex Robots as a primary decision maker, this can lead you to loss a lot of money, hence, you should always keep a track of all the trading activity.
Always remember that Forex Trading cannot predict the future, they are more or less like gambling. The robots sold through the internet can only help you make better decisions. Learn the trading tricks yourself use the robot only to confirm if you are on the exact track

Forex Robot - Guidelines in Using Forex Robot Software

A lot of Forex Robots software's are being used by both new and well experienced traders. It is important for a trader to choose the right robot to suit his needs, and there are a lot to choose from. To speed up the process of trading and to increase the overall profit of a trader, they must use these kinds of services.
What to do?
For you to save a lot of trouble, you should always buy a Forex robot that can be easily installed in a personal computer and your account is accessible from anywhere and anytime through a remote web server. The final decision depends on you no matter how good the robot is. You should always keep a manual account and use these robots as a back up in case you want to double check the data. Checking the real time track record will give you a better idea because sometimes the records displayed are replicated which will give you a wrong picture of the data. In choosing a Forex Robot, confirm first if it is compatible with the currency pair that you want to trade with. It should allow you to change the settings of trading anytime you want to. It may be alright to let the robot take over but there is a possibility that a lot of money could be lost, if you are away. You should purchase robots that will work better than the older versions.
What not to do?
Don't depend all the decisions to the Forex Robots, just use its advice on how to move in the market, use them to compare decisions and to analyze data. Even though they can increase your profits, always remember that the final decision should depend on you. You should be aware that you can't trust it completely and your decisions should be base on your trading experience, though they make your work easy. Don't make the Forex Robots as a primary decision maker, this can lead you to loss a lot of money, hence, you should always keep a track of all the trading activity.
Always remember that Forex Trading cannot predict the future, they are more or less like gambling. The robots sold through the internet can only help you make better decisions. Learn the trading tricks yourself use the robot only to confirm if you are on the exact track